Campiglia MaritimaProvince of Livorno

Route and Elevation
Route and Elevation

This run starts at “Le Corti di Montepitti Residence” a resort mainly for families with children. Personally I would not be going back there again 🙂 but thats a different topic.

Run along the road away from the sea for about 700 meters until you get to a little road to the left leading up into the hills

Run along that until you get to a dust road used by farmers on your left that runs along the field and into the woods.

Along the way I saw a lot of shotgun shells, as well as raised off the ground and in the trees hunters huts, clearly used here by some folks to do a little target shooting practice.

Further up the hill there is a even an official “appostamento fisso di cacia” sign, which roughly translates as “fixed hunting hut”.

The hunt from fixed posting, or shed, is one of the most practiced hunts in northern Italy, with particular roots and traditions in the Brescia and Bergamo areas. 

Dirt track winding up the hill
Lone tree amongst the bush
Oasics that I used for this run
Fixed hunting post sign
Hunters fixed hut
View from the top of the hill